Diggin’ West Challenge
Saturday, Oct.. 8, 2011
Diggin’ West Challenge – Plays It Up
Conformation Judge: Brent Hopkins
Go-to-Ground Judge: Connie McKee
Suitability To Red Fox Entries: 3
1st: Mockingbird Hills Annie Okley, owned by Pam Larsen
2nd: Seaview Crepe Suzette, owned by Robbin Grabowski
3rd: Mockingbird Hills Wilson, owned by Marcia Wicks
Bitches, 1 yr. & older, 10 up to 12½", r/br Entries: 7
1st: Glenwood Mercimi, owned by Cheryl Costello
2nd: Pinnacle Ash, owned by Lynn Hawley
3rd: Briar Run Tramp, owned by Sherri Rossmiller
4th: Kingmont Brandy, owned by Ray & Marlene Young
5th: Kimberlite Bijou, owned by Desi Blondell-Timmerman
6th: Seaview Miles of Smiles, owned by Robbin Grabowski
Bitches, 1 yr. & older, over 12½ up to 15", r/br Entries: 4
1st: JR Ranch Sizzle, owned by Barbara Cutolo
2nd: Seaview Ella Gante, owned by Didi Gough
3rd: Mockingbird Hills Annie Oakley, owned by Pam Larsen
4th: CJs Gift, owned by Jennifer Beach
Novice Adult Entries: 9
1st: Kimberlite Bijou, owned by Desi-Blondell Timmerman
2nd: Seaview Ella Gante, owned by Didi Gough
3rd: Sydney, owned by Nancy Nolette
4th: CJs Gift, owned by Jennifer Beach
5th: DQ
6th: DQ
Championship Certificate, over 12½ up to 15" Entries: 21
Champion: Promised Land Yamika, owned by Glen & Deanna Gillette
Reserve Champion: InItToWinIt, owned by Robbin Grabowski
3rd: Seaview Pluto, owned by Robbin Grabowski
4th: ACutAbove, owned by Robbin Grabowski
5th: Seaview Crepe Suzetta, owned by Robbin Grabowski
6th: Seaview Soulman, owned by Brad & Janine McClure
Veteran Championship Certificate, 12 ½ to 15” Entries: 10
Champion: Windy of Promised Land, owned by Glen & Deanna Gillette
Reserve: Promised Land Diamond George, owned by Glen & Deanna Gillette
3rd: NoBateryNCluded, owned by Robbin Grabowski
4th: Castlereigh Abbie, owned by Brian & Phyllis Bennett
5th: Gadget, owned by Maureen Lyons
6th: Kingmont Faust, owned by Lyndy Banducci
Adult Certificate Super Earth, Over 12 ½” to 15” Entries: 11
Champion: ACutAbove, owned by Robbin Grabowski
Reserve: Seaview Soulman, owned by Brad & Janine McClure
3rd: Sage Creek Jackson, owned by Ray & Marlene Young
4th: InItToWinIt, owned by Robbin Grabowski
5th: Promised Land Egypt, owned by Glen & Deanna Gillette
6th: Ma Cherie, owned by Alicia & Tim Russin
Veteran Certificate Super Earth, Over 12 ½” to 15” Entries: 7
Champion: Windy of Promised Land, owned by Glen & Deanna Gillette
Reserve: Promised Land Diamond George, owned by Glen & Deanna Gillette
3rd: Gadget, owned by Maureen Lyons
4th: Moses Tinker, owned by Cindy Lund
5th: Castlereigh Abbie, owned by Brian & Phyllis Bennett
6th: NoBateryNCluded, owned by Robbin Grabowski
Bitches, 1 yr. & older, 10 up to 12½" Entries: 9
1st: Seaview Miles of Smiles, owned by Robbin Grabowski
2nd: Seaview Hollister, owned by Brad & Janine McClure
3rd: Glenwood Mercimi, owned by Cheryl Costello
4th: Kimberlite Bijou, owned by Desi Blondell-Timmerman
5th: Haleys Comet, owned by Barbara Chesnut
6th: Rush, owned by Laurie Thomsen
Veterans, 6 years & older, over 12½ up to 15" Entries: 6
1st: Seaview Dweezel, owned by Robbin Grabowski
2nd: Promised Land Diamond George, owned by Glen & Deanna Gillette
3rd: Moses Tinker, owned by Cindy Lund
4th: Promised Land Egypt, owned by Glen & Deanna Gillette
5th: Abbey, owned by Pat Saunders
6th: Castlereigh Abbie, owned by Brian & Phyllis Bennett
Seniors, 9 years & older, over 12½-15" Entries: 10
1st: Seaview Pelucita, owned by Robbin Grabowski
2nd: West Elk Sassy, owned by Carol & Jim Endres
3rd: Hi Ho Skippio, owned by Monica Robertson
4th: Fall River Spanky, owned by Carol & Jim Endres
5th: Glenwood Luke, owned by Cheryl Costello
6th: Abbey, owned by Pat Saunders
Bitches, 1 yr. & older, 10 up to 12½" Entries: 8
1st: Seaview Hollister, owned by Brad & Janine McClure
2nd: Glenwood Mercimi, owned by Cheryl Costello
3rd: Kimberlite Bijou, owned by Desi Blondell-Timmerman
4th: Gangsters Lollipop, owned by Kelly Finn
5th: Seaview Miles of Smiles, owned by Robbin Grabowski
6th: Haleys Comet, owned by Barbara Chesnut
Veterans, 6 years & older, over 12½ up to 15" Entries: 5
1st: Seaview Dweezel, owned by Robbin Grabowski
2nd: Moses Tinker, owned by Cindy Lund
3rd: Promised Land Diamond George, owned by Glen & Deanna Gillette
4th: Promised Land Egypt, owned by Glen & Deanna Gillette
5th: Castlereigh Abbie, owned by Brian & Phyllis Bennett
Seniors, 9 years & older, over 12½-15" Entries: 6
1st: Hi Ho Skippio, owned by Monica Robertson
2nd: Dash, owned by Desi Blondell-Timmerman
3rd: Fall River Spanky, owned by Carol & Jim Endres
4th: Glenwood Luke, owned by Cheryl Costello
5th: Seaview Pelucita, owned by Robbin Grabowski
6th: West Elk Sassy, owned by Carol & Jim Endres
10 up to 12½" Champion: Seaview Miles of Smiles, owned by Robbin Grabowski
10 up to 12½" Reserve: Kimberlite Buster Brown, owned by Alison & Barry Cook-Cilliers
Over 12½ up to 15" Champion: Seaview Dweezel, owned by Robbin Grabowski
Over 12½ up to 15" Reserve: Moses Tinker, owned by Cindy Lund
12½-15" Champion: Hi Ho Skippio, owned by Monica Robertson
12½-15" Reserve Champion: Seaview Pelucita, owned by Robbin Grabowski
Non-Sanctioned Barn Hunt
Adults, 1 Yr & Older Entries: 39
1st: Mockingbird Hills Annie Oakley, owned by Pam Larsen
2nd: Kingmont Oliver, owned by Kelly Finn
3rd: ACutAbove, owned by Robbin Grabowski
4th: Seaview Snowden, owned by Jill-Marie Jones
5th: Seaview Crepe Suzetta, owned by Robbin Grabowski
6th: InItToWinIt, owned by Robbin Grabowski