feared by many on the race track; here's lucy

Lucy came into my rescue as an Owner Surrender in 2010. Lucy is registered with the Jack Russell Terrier Club of America (JRTCA) and was shown extensively in the Racing Division and JRTCA sanctioned trials. Lucy is sired by the well known Land’s End Bully. Lucy accumulated many Championships during her racing career. Her previous owner retired her from racing and used her as a brood bitch a few times since her retirement.


Lucy was eight years old when she came into my rescue program and I know how many adopters are hesitant about adopting an older dog and I fell in love with her sweet nature, and the realization that Lucy would possibly be in my program for a while. With this in mind, I started conditioning her so once again she could do what she loves which is racing. I set the trial “Terror in the Pines” in Arizona to be her first trial since retirement. Just before the trial I received an email that was an invitation for Lucy to compete in the televised 2012 Purina Incredible Dog Challenge (PIDC) event.


On Saturday of the two day trial in Arizona she sustained a broken toe on her right front paw. For obvious reasons I pulled her from racing for the weekend. After returning back home I notified the person who invited Lucy to compete in the PIDC and told them that I was pulling her from the event. There was sufficient time for Lucy to heal from her injuries and as much as I believe she had the talent to win the event I felt the best thing for her at her age was to give her extra time to recover.


After 100% recovery I continued to condition her and set the goal of the 2012 Diggin’ West Challenge trial in  Madera, CA to be her next trial. I entered her both Saturday and Sunday in the Over Senior Racing Division. Lucy proved that she still has a love for racing and the talent to come out on top. She was named Reserve Champion and Champion respectively for the weekend.

About four months after the Diggin’ West trial I received a call from John who had adopted an eleven year old male, Woofie, about six months earlier from me. He said that he and his wife had fallen in love with “Woofie” and wanted to know if I had any older females available to adopt. I’ll be honest……. For a quick moment I thought, “I know there are many championships in her future…. I should keep her”. Then I asked myself ”What would be best for Lucy?” My answer was she deserves a forever loving home more than I deserve the bragging rights of future Racing Championships.


The following weekend John & his wife drove from where they live in Hollywood Hills to my house in June Lake, CA (about a six hour drive) and adopted Lucy. The icing on the cake is that the male he adopted from me,  had came from the same breeder as Lucy. Lucy and Woofie had grown up together and now they would be able to grow old together in the same loving home.

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Where to Find Us:

Robbin’s Rescued Russells

P O  Box 827

Wofford Heights, CA 93285





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